Women In Networking

What does networking mean to you?

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on June 22, 2011

I think most people have a misconception about what networking really is.  Some feel going to several networking events handing out as many cards as you can and recooperating for the next event is what it’s about.  Then there are those that join several networking groups, whether they be hard contact groups, social groups, professional groups, etc and getting people to know, like and hopefully trust you to gain their business.  But those that feel that’s correct are missing the boat.

Networking is all about building relationships.  If you belong to several networking groups or are attending several events how are you possibly going to find the time to, not only still run your business, but build relationships with all of those people?  It’s best to stick with 1 or maybe 2 networking groups and really netWORK.  This process takes time and work.   Your network of people are really your salesforce.  You will need to work and train them so that they know what to look for in order to pass you good quality referrals.  If you have several areas of your business focus on one part until they can understand fully what that product/service is about and can send you referrals for that specific area of your business.  And no matter what, don’t just sit back and wait for referrals to come to you.  Go out and pass some to others.  I promise the more you help others the more they will be willing to help you.


The Power of Thank You

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on December 2, 2009
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Great article from Jon Gordon’s newsletter!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I’d love to share with you the benefits and power of two simple words. THANK YOU.

They are two words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, athletic performance and success. Research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships. A state of gratitude, according to research by the Institute of HeartMath, also improves the heart’s rhythmic functioning, which helps us to reduce stress, think more clearly under pressure and heal physically. It’s actually physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time. When you are grateful you flood your body and brain with emotions and endorphins that uplift and energize you rather than the stress hormones that drain you.

Gratitude and appreciation are also essential for a healthy work environment. In fact, the number one reason why people leave their jobs is because they don’t feel appreciated. A simple thank you and a show of appreciation can make all the difference.

Gratitude is like muscle. The more we do with it the stronger it gets. In this spirit here are 4 ways to practice Thanksgiving every day of the year.

1. Take a Daily Thank You Walk – I wrote about this in The Energy Bus. Take a simple 10-minute walk each day and say out loud what you are thankful for. This will set you up for a positive day.

2. Meal Time Thank You’s – On Thanksgiving, or just at dinner with your friends and family, go around the table and have each person, including the kids at the little table, say what they are thankful for.

3. Gratitude Visit – Martin Seligman, Ph.D., the father of positive psychology, suggests that we write a letter expressing our gratitude to someone. Then we visit this person and read them the letter. His research shows that people who do this are measurably happier and less depressed a month later.

4. Say Thank You at Work – Doug Conant, the CEO of Campbell Soup, has written over 16,000 thank you notes to his employees and energized the company in the process. Energize and engage your co-workers and team by letting them know you are grateful for them and their work. And don’t forget to say thank you to your clients and customers too.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for YOU.

– Jon

Avoid the Flu this season!

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on September 2, 2009

The kids are heading back to school and the weather already feels like fall!  But one of the big recurring news items that we just can’t get away from is the “Swine Flu Epidemic” – or Pandemic, depending on who you listen to.   There is a great deal of uncertainty and fear associated with not only the virus, but also the vaccine that is being fast tracked to market!   I am especially concerned about folks that are under extra stress these days, because it is well documented that stress has a negative impact on the body’s immune system and can make them even more susceptible to viruses and disease.

I am writing to you here to give some proactive steps you can take for yourself and your family to minimize your risk, not only to the swine flu, but to all the strains of flu, viruses and colds.

The best starting point for maintaining health through any viral outbreak is living a healthy lifestyle. Small steps such as getting rest, eating well, drinking water, managing stress and daily exercise provide the body with what it needs to build a healthy immune system.

I will share with you the additional steps that my family and I will be taking to protect ourselves as we enter the cold and flu season.  We will be using homeopathic remedies and specific nutritional supplements to first strengthen our immune systems, and additionally, will have natural remedies on hand in the event flu symptoms strike.  Here is the list of nutritional products that I will have in my medicine cabinet:


ReHydration: A homeopathic blend used to enhance the body’s ability to use water.  If you do get sick – you don’t won’t to be dehydrated before it even strikes!
Spagyric Greens: Stress inhibits the body’s ability to absorb nutrition. This concentrated nutritional blend is designed to be easily absorbed.
Flora Synergy: A unique probiotic used to boost the body’s good immune bacteria.
XenoForce: Herbal immune boosting formula that includes zinc.
Flu-Tone: This homeopathic blend is used to assist with flu prevention or elimination. For prevention: one dropper full monthly alerts the immune system to viral/flu issues.

At first onset of flu symptoms consider adding these:
Drainage-Tone: Homeopathic drainage and immune support.
Core Cat’s Claw: A Spagyrically processed herbal blend. Studies on www.pubmed.com show Cat’s Claw’s effectiveness in enhancing the body’s ability to eliminate viruses.

Increase Flu-Tone: Take daily while symptomatic.
I also use an essential oil blend such as “Purification” or “Immune Support” in a diffuser to kill viruses and bacteria in the air.  We have had excellent results using “Cold & Flu” synergy blend in a foot soak at the first sign of cold & flu symptoms.  It is amazing how 20 minutes soaking your feet in warm water with a few drops of this essential oil blend can relieve aches and pains and sinus congestion.

One last note, here is a web link you can copy and paste in your web browser for more information on the possible risks and side effects of the new flu vaccine.  You might even want to subscribe to Dr. Mercola’s newsletter; it is always full of good nutritional and health information.

Please feel free to call me if you are interested in adding any of these nutritional supplements to your arsenal against the cold and flu season.

Jo Brennan
Certified Reflexologist
“At Your Feet LLC”
Wellness & Education Center

Recession Proof Your Business

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on August 17, 2009

By: Ron Romano

When you’re a small business owner there’s no “Golden Parachute”, no Massive Severance Package or Stock Options to cash in on and there are definitely no bailouts. The success or failure of your small business is all on your shoulders!

Here’s Are 5 Things to Do If You Want Your Business to Fail During a Recession

1. Don’t Do Anything
2. Don’t Do Enough
3. Don’t Encourage Referrals From Other Clients
4. Don’t Create a “WOW” Experience
5. Don’t Take Massive Action Now

Now, if you want to build your small business, there’s good news.

You don’t have to sit back and become a victim of the times. Right now there are businesses and market segments that are making record profits. US Steel just posted record profits for the second quarter after losing huge orders from the auto industry.

Here’s How US Steel Achieved Record Making Profits – And So Can You:

  • They found new markets at higher prices
  • They were open to new opportunities
  • They were pro-active

Here Are 10 Quick and Easy Strategies to Increase Sales and Profits During a Recession

1. Implement systems that measure and track the results of ALL of your marketing, advertising and publicity efforts

2. Look for new ways to re-position products or services you provide to attract a new market segment. Example: Re-position Yoga as “Fall Prevention Strategies for Seniors

3. Find new distribution channels for your products whether it’s through the Internet or other retailers who are selling complimentary products or services.

4. Create Joint Venture Arrangements with other complimentary, not competing Businesses. For example an accounting firm could go to their legal firm and offer to hold a seminar on “Tax Reduction Strategies” for the their (legal firms) clients as a special bonus. The accounting company may get new clients and the only cost is their time. One stipulation, the accounting firm must offer a special seminar to their clients on “How To Structure Tax Shelters for Estate Management”. Both companies benefit.

5. Have a “Rewards Referral Program “ for your existing customers and let them experience how it will work.

6. Know the numbers in your business. Find out what products and services make the most profits and which ones make the least. Start promoting or up-selling those first. Do you know the average transaction value which is the average amount each consumer pays you at the point of purchase? Go find that out now and then ask yourself the question “How can I increase that amount by 10% by adding or bundling in extra value?

7. Position yourself as the “Knowledgeable Expert” in Your Field and write articles for the newspaper, or trade journals and radio interviews. You can even write and submit articles online using www.IWantMoreProspects.com.The print and online media is always hungry for information to provide their readership. They are always on the lookout for new information that solves people’s problems or helps them save them time or money.

8. Differentiate yourself from the competition and give the consumer the “Reason Why” they should do Business with you versus your competitors.

9. Join a Mastermind Group or Coaching Program to improve your skills as a Marketer. Tiger Woods has a golf coach to help him. Professional baseball teams have hitting and pitching coaches. And you should have a business and marketing coach to stop the downhill slide before it becomes uncontrollable.

10. Build a stronger relationship with your customer base through frequent contact, special offers, and newsletters. Survey your existing customers to see what they want and then sell it to them.

This is just a short list on the many things that are possible. Now the question is, do you want to recession proof your business and achieve massive results or do you want to lay down and play dead and hope things get better? It’s you choice!

Why You Should Network

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on June 3, 2009
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Networking is the one of the most effective inexpensive advertising out there.  By networking with other like minded business professionals you begin to build a relationship which can lead to 250 new relations and more.  This form of advertising is not something that is easy nor something that comes over night.  People will do business with those they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.  As you get to “know” the person you will begin to build a relationship and hopefully they will like you.  Once a bond is formed they will soon begin to trust you and send business to you.  This process varies on your type of business.  Those businesses that are product based tend to get referrals faster than those with service based businesses and either way can take up to 12-18 months to pay off. 

Why it is important to network with a diverse networking group

There are two types of businesses-Brick and Mortar, those with a public building/store and those that are home based (aka Direct Sellers, Network Marketers).  Did you know that it is EXTREMELY beneficial to network with both? 

 Brick and Mortar:  These types of businesses have several people walking through their doors everyday.  With their permission, you could display your flyer/brochure/business cards/catalogs for their potential clients to see and perhaps even pass along to their friends/family.  This is in addition to the people that owner may already know.

 Direct Sellers/Network Marketers:  These types of business people go into several new homes a week.  Lets take for example that Susie has 3 home shows booked for this week and her show attendance averages 15-20 people, 3 x 15-20 = 30-60 new people each week.  This is in addition to the people that Susie already knows. 

 So come check out Women In Networking and see what we have to offer you. 

 Roseville Chapter:  Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month

Location:  Denny’s Restaurant

                 31831 Gratiot         

Time:  Networking begins at 8:30am

            The meeting starts at 9am until 10am

Utica Chapter:  Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month

Location:  Biggby Coffee

     8771 Hall Road

Time:  Networking begins at 6:30pm

           The meeting starts at 7pm until 8pm

You can also visit us on the web at www.winofmacomb.com

Organize Your Business Cards

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on November 17, 2008
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Most companies are going to put a lot of thought into their business card printing. They will spend their time looking over different designs that create just the right image for them. They will get their color business cards and eagerly hand them out to everyone else in an effort to get more business, but one thing they will also be doing is collecting other people’s business cards at the same time.

What do you hope everyone else is going to do with your business card when you hand it to him or her? Do you want them to just throw it into a pile of papers on their desk, or do you hope that they diligently file it away for future use? Well, what are you doing with their business card?

Maintaining a strong network of leads and contacts is going to be important to any kind of business. The question you need to ask yourself is how you organize the color business cards you pick up from other people.

After getting back from anything that gives you a big pile of cards, the first thing you need to do is sort through them. When you first get back and everything is still fresh in your mind is the best time to organize the cards you have. Some of them you are just going to throw away while others need to be placed in a file for new leads with good potential.

How you organize the cards will be whatever works best for you. Maybe organizing them alphabetically will help you the most while others might like to organize things based on different industries and so on. The only thing you need to be sure of is that whatever system you use, you can easily follow it.

A big difference in organization from the days of old is the use of modern electrical means of keeping things together. A lot of people place most of the names they get into computer databases rather than bothering with a physical filing system. A system like this has different pros and cons you should be aware of.

One benefit is the easier ability to scroll through your information. The recent rise in small portable, digital assistants has led to the ability of keeping what amounts to thousands of business cards on hand at all times. You will never be without a person’s information no matter where you are.

However, I would suggest keeping the cards in a separate physical filing system anyways due to the one potential downside to the electric means. Systems can crash and information can be lost quite easily. I have had my share of computers meltdowns for various reasons that take with them all of my information I needed.

So long as you have both an electronic filing system and a physical one, if your system does crash, you still have access to a lot of year’s worth of information that could have been lost.

Ultimately, when it comes to business card printing, the thing you need to remember is to use a filing system that allows you to easily find contact information when you really need to. You are not the only one printing out color business cards. Just remember to treat other people’s cards, as you want yours to be treated.

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of developments in business card printing industry and color business cards for small to medium-scale business.

Think BIG

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on September 24, 2008

At every meeting I want to start bringing up some sort of self improvement tip.  I’ve been reading Success Magazine lately and I LOVE it!  There is so much great information in this magazine it’s unbelievable.  It even includes a CD/DVD with short interviews and such.  There was an article in the October issue written by Anne Clarrissimeaux about Dr. Ben Carson, a world-reowned neurosurgeon at John Hopkins Medical Institution.  In it he wrote a message on “A Meaningful Life”.

Dr. Ben Carson shares a philosophy of what he believes creates a successful-and meaningful-life through the acronym THINK BIG……

Talent and time. Recognize them as gifts.

Hope for good things and be honest.

Insight from people and good books.

Be Nice to all people.

Knowlege: Recognize it as the key to living.

Books:  Read them actively.

In-depth learning skills:  Develop them.

God.  Everyone has their own beliefs.  When you THINK BIG, what does the “G” stand for in your life?

I hope this helps you.  Check back often for more info on self improvement, Women In Networking and what we’ll be doing next.

Are you a netWORKER or a NOTworker?

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on August 25, 2008

Think about the question above.  What are you?  Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell anyone or write it down.  Are you a networker?  If so, congratulations, you understand how to help others.  Are you a notworker?  Do you want to be a networker?  If so, please continue to read.  Do you know the definition of networking?  According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, networking is:  a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest.  Please reread.   A supportive system of sharing information and services!  Seems so simple, yet so many don’t get the concept. 


Scenario 1 –  At an event sponsored by a large organization, you see the following:  Mr. A has a handful of business cards in his hand and is going from person to person introducing himself and thrusting his card in the other person’s hand.  Have you ever witnessed this?  Were you ever that individual giving the card?  Were you ever that individual getting the card?  Was this a good connection? 


Scenario 2 – At the same event, by the same organization, you see this:  Mr. A approaches another, introduces himself as and offers his hand to shake.  The other individual introduces himself and they shake hands.  Mr. A asks Mr. B what kind of business he is in, followed up by other questions about Mr. B’s business.  Mr. A listens.  That’s all.  He asks a few more questions and he listens.  Soon the roles are reversed and Mr. B asks Mr. A some questions and he listens.  Have you ever witnessed this?  Were you ever Mr. A?  Were you ever Mr. B?  Was this a good connection?


I have witnessed both of the scenarios and I have to honestly admit when someone thrusts their card upon me I do one of two things.  I either hold onto the card and write my impression of the person on the back and make sure I file it in the “Do not do business with” file or I immediately dispose of the card.  Yes, I get rid of it.  Why, because this person is telling me THEY are more important than a relationship.  Networking is about developing relationships.  A supportive system of sharing!!  


However, if someone is involved in the conversation and is asking questions to find out more, I hold onto their card and am sure to remember them when I need a service.  They took interest, they listened, THEY understand what networking is.   A supportive system of sharing!!


Networking is not a selfISH act, it is a selfLESS act.  You have to be willing to help others and you in turn will be helped.  Please remember, you will be remembered for how you were able to help someone connect with another and you will be remembered when they have someone to connect with you!


Happy Networking!!

Submitted by:  Melissa Emanuel of MI Home Staging, (313)384-6765

We’re in the NEWS!!!

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on July 11, 2008

If you go to this link http://www.candgnews.com/Homepage-Articles/2008/7-9-08/EF-WIN.asp you can view our story, which is set to print in the Eastsider next week.  They are also going to try to put it in the Warren Weekly if they have room.


Save on Gas!

Posted in Articles by winofmacomb on June 23, 2008

It’s not easy to break bad driving habits, but if you don’t, the

money you lose on gas could wind up breaking your bank!

Her are six ways drivers typically waste gas on every trip.


1. Racing away from green lights

When the light turns green, you don’t have to take off as quickly as possible. That pedal

under your right foot is called the “gas pedal” for a good reason. The more you press

down on it, the more gas you’re pumping into the engine.

Press lightly on the gas pedal, and you’ll still accelerate and still get where you’re going.

You might be surprised at how little pressure it takes to get your car up to speed in

a reasonable time.


2. Racing up to Red Lights

When you’re driving down the street, and you see a red light or stop sign up ahead, you

should lay off the gas sooner rather than later. There’s no pint in keeping your foot on

the gas until just before you reach the intersection. Let off the pedal sooner and give

your engine a rest as you coast to the stop while breaking gently. As an added benefit,

your brake pads will last longer, too.

By themselves, these first two tips can improve your fuel economy around town by as

much as 35 percent, according to tests conducted by automotive information Web site



3. Confusing the Highway with a Speedway

Even if it doesn’t involve hard acceleration, speeding wastes gas. The faster you go, the

more air your vehicle has to push out of the way. It’s like moving your hand through

water. The faster you try to move your hand, the harder the water pushes back.

In tests by Consumer Reports, driving at 75 mile per hour instead of 65 miles per hour

reduced fuel economy by between 3 and 5 miles per gallon, depending on the vehicle.


4. Bumper-buzzing

Tailgating is a bad move for many reasons. First of all, it’s unsafe. You reduce your

ability to react if the car in front of you slows or stops. It also means you have to pay

ultra-close attention to that car which reduces your ability to scam for other hazards

ahead of you and to the sides. Tailgating waste gas. Every time the driver ahead taps his

brakes, you have to slow down even more than he did. Then you accelerate again to get

back up to speed and resume your bumper-buzzing routine.

Hang back and you’ll be safer – plus you’ll be able to drive more smoothly and use less

fuel. A good rule of thumb is to allow two seconds of space between your car and the

one ahead. You can figure that out by counting off two seconds after the car in front of

you passes an obvious landmark like an overpass.


5. Driving standing still

You’ve probably heard that it takes more gas to restart a car than to let it run. Maybe

that used to be true, but it isn’t anymore. With modern fuel-injection engines, it takes

very little extra gas to restart a car once it’s warmed up. Idling, meanwhile, burns about

a half-mile worth of gas every minute, according to the California Energy Commission.

That’s why hybrid cars shut down their gasoline engines whenever the stop, even for a

moment. Now you don’t want to shut your engine down for every little stop in your regular, nonhybrid car – it’s not designed for that – but if you’re waiting for someone to run in and

out of a convenience store, turn off the engine. And try not to go through the drivethrough

at fast food restaurants. You’re already paying enough for the oil in those

chicken nuggets.


6. Short hops

For really short trips, take advantage of the opportunity to get some exercise. Try walking

to the store instead of driving. You can save gas and burn a few calories instead. If

you can’t hoof it, save up your errands. A lot of short hops that let the engine cool down

at home between trips can use twice as much gas as starting the car once and making a

big sweep to all your stops, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Go to your farthest destination first so your engine has a chance to reach its optimal

operating temperature. Then make you other stops on the way back. With the engine

warmed up, the car will restart easily and run efficiently all the way home



This article re-printed with permission from the Metro East Chamber of Commerce

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